domingo, 11 de septiembre de 2011


In case anyone would like to leave a comment (and if you want to, please do!) and doesn't speak Spanish, here are some instructions:

  • At the bottom of each post there's a little link that says "x Comentarios" (usually it's 0). Click that.
  • Scroll down to the bottom of the page to the comment box.
  • Beneath it it says "Comentar como" (Comment as) with a drop down box next to it that says "Seleccionar perfil..." (Select profile...).
  • If you have any of the following accounts: google (gmail, etc.), LiveJournal, Wordpress, Typepad, AIM (or AOL, I would assume), or OpenID, select that. By the way, google acount is cuenta de Google - the first option in the dropdown.
  • Write your comment and then click "Publicar un comentario" (or "Vista previa" if you want to preview it) and you'll be redirected to the blogger homepage and asked to sign into your google, livejournal, etc. account. 
  • And you've left a comment!
Of course, if you haven't got any of those accounts and would like to tell me something/get in contact with me/want to pull a prank on me/etc., you can email me at

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